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La Jolla Shores AssociationIntroductionThe La Jolla Shores Association (LJSA) is a democratic volunteer organization with a 30-year history of service to the La Jolla Shores community. The Association's primary purpose is community issues as they relate to the protection and enhancement of the unique characteristics of the La Jolla Shores area. The Association also strives to represent the interests of the local community with other organizations, including local and state government agencies. The Association holds regular monthly meetings which are open to the general public. MembershipAs a resident, property owner, or business owner or operator in the Shores area, you can become a member of LJSA. No dues are required. However, the activities of our organization demand correspondence, record keeping, and presentations to the city, all of which require funds. We therefore ask that you to make a donation in lieu of a membership fee to help us keep La Jolla Shores an outstanding and safe community. MeetingsWe meet the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm in Building T-29 on the campus of UCSD's Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The public is welcome to attend. ContactsWe'd like to hear from you; send your comments and suggestions to: La Jolla Shores Association The organization now has an email address. We'd like to know yours! Please let us know your email address by sending mail to: Note: Your email address will not be released to third parties without your consent.
Last updated Mon Feb 5 20:03:36 PST 2001 . Comments and suggestions regarding this Web page should be directed to lightner@lightner.net. All other LJSA matters should be directed to the addresses listed above. This Web space is provided as a community service compliments of Time Warner Communications' Roadrunner cable modem service. |